100 years of Hajduk

Experiencing one hundred years is not easy. But Hajduk did it, 13.02.2011. Hajduk celebrated its 100th birthday. The club survived the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of socialist Yugoslavia, two world wars and war against Yugoslavia, enter the second century of life with the same name. He won a mighty championships, winning
Cups, played a big international matches. Barely saved from bankruptcy by the end, it was the only club that passed through the transformation of a unique sports-stock company in Croatia. Hajduk have a great history, a great and very interesting. But according to supporters slogan "Hajduk lives forever", 100 birthday is just the beginning of history. Why is Hajduk so unique and why hundredth anniversary has such great significance, that is simply explained. Hajduk is much more than a football club. Hajduk is love and passion, people live for Hajduk, not just cheering. Hajduk is an emotion, not just a football game. All generations of the family are cheering for Hajduk and keep that love as a sacred trust. Wherever in the world you mention Split, Hajduk is the first association. So the whole town for a week before the birthday celebration was painted in Hajduk colors. Fans have decided to celebrate birthday in a special way, because no matter how many championships celebrated, never Split did not live in such Hajduk decor colors. On city streets, building facades, balconies of apartments, everywhere was present Hajduk. Split side made ​​the decor as if every resident of the city celebrates its own birthday. You should see the celebration video:

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